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UCAR Update
Revised 6-15-05


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In response to tremendous excitement for Old Dominion’s new U-Car Division, we have made the following schedule changes. All of the original U-Car races as scheduled will remain as point’s races. Convenience Car Care has generously contributed $350 in point fund sponsorship to be paid at Old Dominion’s Annual Banquet for the 2005 Season as follows:

$200 - First Place Points Leader, Trophy & Champion’s Jacket
$100 Second Place Point Finish
$ 50 Third Place Point Finish

The point’s races as originally scheduled are:

06/11/05 15 lap
06/25/05 15 lap
07/02/05 15 lap
07/16/05 15 lap
08/06/05 15 lap
08/27/05 15 lap
09/24/05 15 lap
($100 Award-Best Looking U-Car Contest)
10/01/05 15 lap
10/21/05 30 lap

The additional non-points races are as follows:

06/18/05 15-lap
07/30/05 15-lap

The following races are part of the Victory Lane Graphix Mini-Series:

07/09/05 15-lap (inexperienced U-Car racers only)
07/23/05 15-lap (inexperienced U-Car racers only)
08/13/05 15-lap (inexperienced U-Car racers only)

Please note that these three (3) races are part of the Victory Lane Graphix Mini-Series and are designated solely for inexperienced U-Car racers and entrants. Race car drivers who have previously competed or are presently racing at Old Dominion Speedway for fun or for points will not be permitted to run on these designated dates - no exceptions.

Old Dominion Speedway is pleased to support its U-Car Division and its tremendous success to date. Old Dominion U-Car Rules and Cancellation policies are still applicable for all U-Car racers. U-Car racing is fun for participants and fans.

Thank you for being a part of Old Dominion’s U-Car Division.

- ODS Management


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